SPARTA                             	DATE                		ATHENS

Dark Age disasters affect Laconia        	12 Cent. BCE        	Affected by Dark Ages, but not overrun
 Area 'long backward'          			11 Cent. BCE        	Center of Protogeometric Pottery
[Long tradition of two kings]                                
					        10 Cent. BCE       	Slow unification of Attica (thru Cleisthenes)

Lycourgos: lawgiver: instituted        		 9 Cent. BCE       	Center of Geometric Pottery
   gerousia  (as balance against kings)                                
Expansion in Laconia
First Messenian War (730s)    		 	 8 Cent BCE         	Rise in population (but  no official colonization)
                                                			Kingship reduced to one  year office
Second Messenian War:         			 7 Cent. BCE
    Spartans defeat at Hysiai
Crisis: ephors established, army reorganized,               		King replaced by 9 archons; council of Areopagus
    focus on military, citizenship  limited                     		(public power still weak)
						                     	Cylon's attempt at tyranny fails (630)
                                                  			Drakon's law code: severe penalties, favored
											aristocracy (621)
Strengthens hold on Messenia: helots  		6 Cent. BCE        	Solon's economic reforms: partial success (590)
Mastery over Tegea
Alliance with other states                       			Peisistratos establishes tyranny (546):
Action against tyrannies in various states         			   public culture promoted; Athenian influence
   various states                                					extended
Helps overthrow Athenian tyrant (512)                         		Tyrant Hippias overthrown (512)
                                                 			Asserts independence from Sparta
Emergence of Peloponnesian League: Sparta                      		Cleisthenes' reforms: Athenian democracy:
   clear leader, but Congress of members in                       	   re-organization of tribes, citizenship for
   decisionmaking role                          				all Attica, popular assembly, council of 500
Strongest power in Greece
                              			 5 Cent. BCE        	Participates in Ionian revolt against Persia
                                                  				(499) (failed: 496)
                                                   			Defeat of Persians at  Marathon (490)
Leader of Hellenic League against Persia          PERSIAN        	Joins Hellenic League (481)
Leonides' stand to death at Thermopylae (480)      WARS			Defeat of Persian fleet at Salamis (480)
Defeat of Persian army at  Plataea (479) 				Defeat of Persian army at  Plataea (479)
Defeat of Persians at  Cape Mycale (479)				Defeat of Persians at  Cape Mycale (479)
Gives up command of fleet (478)                  			Gains command of Aegean fleet: Delian League
 											formed (478)                                                 
 Anti-Spartan movements in Peloponnese                        		Naxos forced back into league (469)
						                        Thasos secedes, is reduced  (465)
Helot revolt: Athens sends aid, aid sent home (463)                 	Aid to Sparta sent home;  withdraws from 											Hellenic League (463)
									Becoming more authoritarian  with league
Tensions with Athens                              			Aligns with Argos--against Sparta
						              		Era of Pericles begins (458)
                                                  			Peace with Persia: Empire
                                                  			Dissatisfaction in league
Invades Attica, then withdraws (446)                             	Athens loses control of central Greece
Thirty Years Peace (445)                       Thirty Years Peace
                                					Long Walls completed (430s)
Growing tension with Athens: Declaration of war 
    against Athens (431): sought destruction of 
    Athenian empire: claimed to be freeing Greeks PELOPONNESIAN	
						 	WAR		Plague (430)
									Pericles dies (429)
Yearly invasions of Attica: little strategic gain                       Mytilene revolt, plague  again (427)
Garrison at Pylos surrenders (425)  					Failure to capture Boeotia  (424)
				                                    	Peace (temporarily)
New ephors seek to  continue war      		PELOPONNESIAN		Dispute over Panactum: breakdown of peace
                    				WAR RESTARTS  	  
                                                  			Melos captured, prisoners executed (416)
                                                 			Expedition to Sicily (415)
Sparta (and Corinth) send aid
  to Syracuse, in Sicily						Disaster on Sicily (413)
Activity in Aegean                                			Oligarchic coup (411)
                                                  			Last naval victory: heavy loses (Arginoussai, 											406)
Destroys Athenian fleet at  Aigospotamai (405)
					            END OF         	Athens surrenders: 30 tyrants installed (404)
                             			PELOPONNESIAN WAR     
Sparta supreme
                                          				Democracy re-established (403/2)
                               			4 Cent. BCE
Opposed by Athens, Argos,  Corinth, Thebes (395)
King's Peace (Persia) imposed on Greek states  (386)			King's Peace
									Second Athenian Sea League--against Sparta
									   (378): more egalitarian  [at least at start]
Defeated by Thebes at  Leuktra (371): Thebes supreme                            
Loses Messenia (370):  seriously weakened
Sparta and Athens against Thebes:                 			With Sparta against Thebes
 Thebes loses supremacy (362)

                       			    PHILIP KING OF MACEDONIA: 359
                                                  			Opposed to Philip's involvement in Greek
                                                  			With Thebes against Philip: Defeat of Greeks 											at Chaeronea: separate  treaties with Philip
Philip marches to Peloponnese      	               			   (339) Athens' League disbanded
                                                 			Athens in League of  Corinth, Philip at head
Sparta refuses to join League of Corinth (since it                  	   (339), to wage war  against Persia
    recognizes Messenian independence):   Sparta                
    too weak to matter
                   		         ALEXANDER HEAD OF LEAGUE OF CORINTH: 336