Thucydides: Major Events

Place/Description Book/Page* (Date)

Background to the Conflict:

Ithome I.102 (464/60)
Aegina I.105 (457)
Long Walls I.107 (456)
Euboea I.114 (447)
Samos I.115 (441/39)
Epidamnus I.24 (433)
Corcyra I.31 (433)
Potidaea I.56 (432)

Opening Years of the Wars:

Outbreak of War II.1 (431)
Pericles' Oration II.34 (430)
Plague in Athens II.47 (430)
Pericles' Policy II.55 (430)
Fall of Potidaea II.66 (430/29)
Mytilene Revolt III.1 (428)
Debate over Mytilene III.36 (427)
Spartan treatment of Plataea III.51 (427)
Civil War in Corcyra III.69 (427)

Middle Years - Athens' Successes and Overconfidence

Events at Pylos and Sphacteria IV.1 (425)
Peace of Nicias V.13 (422)
Athenians at Melos V.84 (416)

The final Years - Athens' Humiliation and Defeat

Mounting of Sicilian Expedition VI.1 (415)
Alcibiades' Recall, Defection VI.60, 88 (415)
Athenian Success at Syracuse VI.62, 94 (415/14)
Fortification of Decelea VII.19 (413)
Athenian Defeats at Syracuse VII.31 (413)
Alarm at Athens VIII.1 (413)
Persian Intervention VIII.5 (411)
Oligarchic Coup in Athens VIII.45 (411)
Surrender of Athens (404)
Oligarchic "Thirty Tyrants" installed (404)
Democracy restored in Athens (403)

* Numbers refer to traditional pagination