Faculty, Director, & Athens 2001
Greek Civilization 202 |
Director, 2001 |
given our intensive immersion in Greek history, just a few possible mistaken identities
sage Jörgen Ernstson and Pericles?
Athena and Brenda Ernstson?
tall, handsome, cruel conqueror of vast horizons:
Philip of Macedon or Peter Schultz of Minnesota?
David Turner (well shaven, just a disguise)
and Zeus? (Ingres' painting, 19th C.)
sometimes a beard is just a beard: Polyphemus (à la Tischbein,
19th C.),
director, anonymous Greek god (Triton?)
a typical Athens street scene, with a Top 20 list of great writers from Hellenic antiquity, framed by the eye-opening icon of the Kouros, all astride the IDEAL café (it's a brand of coffee, but it sure fits!) |
those Greeks still smoke up a storm, despite offical efforts to
restrict smoking in
public venues. Note the ironic juxtaposition of the compositional
elements "bosom," "cigarettes" and "U.S.A.," which would be unthinkable
in contemporary American advertising semiotics
the Cycladic Museum in Athens
here that early icon, notable not only for its beauty and rarity, but for the fact that it so naturally and unpretentiously represents Jesus Christ in a manner which would not become canonical for another 2 centuries |