Math 150: Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Summer 2024


All the homework assignments and their solutions are here:


OpenIntro Statistics by David Diez et. al. The book is free online. You can find it by clicking on the link. You can also get a printed edition in the library or online (under $10).
Note that the website has three textbooks in there. Make sure you are accessing the one titled OpenIntro Statistics. It is in its third edition.

Course Description

Designed for students in the social and life sciences. Discrete probability theory, distributions, sampling, correlation, and regression, Chi square and other tests of significance. Emphasis on the use of the computer as a tool and on applications to a variety of disciplines. Not open to students who have taken ECON/BUSN 180 or ECON/BUSN/FIN 130. (This course satisfies Quantitative Reasoning.)

Topics to be covered

In this class we'll give an introduction to probability and statistics. We'll cover basic probability, conditional probability, give an introduction to data, learn about some important distributions such as the normal distribution and then we'll apply the theory to examples from science using hypothesis testing.
Student Learning Outcomes

Some main learning outcomes include: In general, the goal is for the student to be able to learn Calculus in a way that it allows the student to apply it in science courses or higher level Mathematics courses.


The course grade will be based on:
Homework 10%,
Midterm 1   20%,
Midterm 2   20%,
Midterm 3   20%
Final Exam 30%.


There will be written homework due roughly every two days. Collaboration in the homework is permitted, but you are not allowed to copy someone else's work. The solutions must be written individually. The homework assignments are on this link.

The homework problems will be designed to reinforce ideas and develop your logical reasoning abilities. The numerical grade given on a single assignment is not important for your grade (it is mainly to give you feedback on how you're doing). As long as HW is consistently done and of reasonable quality you will get the full benefit of this 10% of your grade. Late HW will NOT be accepted.


On the midterms and the final exam you must work on the problems on your own. No collaboration permitted in the exams. Also, no calculators or notes are permitted. A simple calculator will be provided to you for the exam.
The first midterm will be on Friday June 14.

The second midterm will be on Thursday June 20.

The third midterm will be on Wednesday June 26.

The final exam will be a cumulutive three hour exam on June 28.


Students are expected to come to every lecture and every exam. If the dates of the exams conflict with Lake Forest approved events, inform me as soon as possible.

Description of instructional time and expectations:

This course meets 5 times per week for 15 hours per week. The course carries 1.0 course credit (equivalent to four semester credit hours). Students are expected to devote a minimum of 40 hours of total work per week (in-class time plus out-of-class work) to this course.

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is expected of all students - and faculty. It is a central norm of academic life. Plagiarism is a serious violation of this norm. The scholarship you produce is the key determinant of my evaluation of you as a student. Therefore, if the words and ideas of others are represented in your work as your own - or if you recycle an earlier piece of your writing without indicating as such - you are committing academic fraud. You should assume that your work is being monitored for all possible plagiarism. Cases of fraud will be penalized, with outcomes ranging from an "F" for the offending assignment to an "F" for the course, and including a hearing before the Academic Honesty Judicial Board and the notification of the Dean of Students. Please refer to this helpful guide on the Writing Center page, and educate yourself about plagiarism and how to prevent it. You are obliged to discuss with me any concerns you have about whether your work conforms to the policy. See the Lake Forest College Statement on Academic Honesty and Plagiarism and the Academic Honesty section of the College Catalog for more information.

Academic Resources, Protocols, and Policies

Click here: Academic Resources, Protocols, and Policies

Summer policies, registration, etc.

If you are a student visiting the College from another institution or a high school, or a community member, please direct any questions about Access Summer policies, registration, billing, etc., to

Last modified on June 10, 2024.