Shubhik DebBurman
Associate Professor of Biology
Lake Forest College
Box P7, 555 North Sheridan Road
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Ph: (847)-735-6040
Fax: (847)-735-6194
Professional Affiliations
Society for Neuroscience (Chicago Chapter) 2002-present Councilor (2002-2006)
Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience 2003-present Councilor (2004-2006)
Society for Neuroscience 1994-present
American Society for Cell Biology(Ed. Committee) 1997-present
American Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 1998-present
American Association for Advancement of Sciences 2001-present
Council for Undergraduate Research 2002-present
Sigma Xi 2002-present
GLC-ASPET 2008-present (Councilor 2008)