Shubhik DebBurman
Associate Professor of Biology
Lake Forest College
Box P7, 555 North Sheridan Road
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Ph: (847)-735-6040
Fax: (847)-735-6194
Major Services


ASCB, a premier scientific research society, promotes and develop the field of cell biology across the globe. I am a member of the society's Education Committee (2008-2010), which is concerned with biology education and training at all levels. Since 1998, I have been an ASCB member, meeting attendee, and presenter. Over a dozen of my undergraduate trainees have also presented at the annual meeting, with two receiving First Prizes at recent MAC-sponsored Undergraduate Symposia.

Website: ASCB


ASPET is the premier scientific society for scientists who conduct basic and clinical pharmacological research in academia, industry and the government. Its members research efforts help develop new medicines and therapeutic agents to fight existing and emerging diseases. The Great Lakes Chapter was founded in 1987 and its annual meeting is held each spring to promote scientific communication among research workers interested in pharmacology in the Midwest. I was appointed a member to its Executive Council in 2008. One of my major interests is to promote interest for graduate studies and a career in pharmacology among undergraduate science majors.

Website: GLC-ASPET


Beta Beta Beta is a society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. I am the faculty advisor for its Lake Forest College chapter. This very active student organization co-organizes the departmental seminar series, career workshops, biology outreach programs for the campus community and K-12 children, and promotes undergraduate biology service and scholarship within the college.

Website: BBB


Eukaryon is an undergraduate research journal at Lake Forest College that publishes the very best of life science scholarship conducted by Lake Forest students. This academic publication is one of the few online and print undergraduate journals of its kind in the world. I helped found this journal in 2005, a stated outcome of an NSF-CCLI grant I received in 2004. I was the journal's faculty advisor from 2004-2007, during which time Eukaryon developed into an independent student-run editorial board that is financed by the College Student Government budget. The editorial board continues to create and manages all its editorial policies independent of the Biology department.

Website: Eukaryon


The Lake Forest College Student Symposium provides students with an annual public opportunity to share outstanding scholarly research and creative projects to the College community through presentations, exhibits, debates, performances, demonstrations, and posters. I was a member of this committee between 2004-2007 and chaired it twice. During this period, we instituted several permanent features, including the Monday opening of the symposium that features an Art gallery reception and other events, and a Tuesday closing ceremony featuring the top student work from all academic divisions. We also made the nomination and abstract submission process online and significantly expanded web presence. It was renamed the Steven Galovich Memorial Student Symposium in 2006.

Website: Student Symposium


HPAC assists Lake Forest students interested in medical careers and in other health professions. I was a member of the College's Health professions Advisory Committee in 2002-2005, and chaired it in 2006-2007. During this period, we instituted the practice of offering HPAC cover letters for student application, providing mock interviews for students, developed the HPAC website, and began holding several workshops for pre-health students on academic and career advising.

Website: HPAC


The Chicago Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience (CSFN) is a local affiliate of the National Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. I have been a member of this organization since 2001 and a member of its Executive Council between 2002-2006. During this time, I organized the first and now permanent undergraduate poster competition during the chapter's annual spring meeting in Chicago. This venue remains one of the major mechanisms for showcasing undergraduate neuroscience scholarship in the Midwest.

Website: CSFN


FUN is an international organization that is focused on neuroscience education and research at the undergraduate level. I have been a member of this organization since 2001, and have served as an elected national councilor between 2004-2006. During this time, I helped administer student travel awards and the undergraduate symposium for the 2005 national SFN meeting and form the national undergraduate neuroscience honorary Nu Rho Psi in 2006.

Website: FUN