Pictorial key to the ant genera of Illinois

by N.C. Wilkins and S.B. Menke

Fig. 38 Dorymyrmex grandulus (antweb.org)

Fig. 39 Dorymyrmex flavus (antweb.org)

Fig. 40 Linepithema humile (antweb.org)

Fig. 41 Linepithema humile (antweb.org)

A Propodeal angle (lateral view) with a district dorsally projecting cone or tooth at juncture of dorsal and posterior faces.


B Maxillary palp segment 3 elongated about equal to combined lengths of segments 4-6.


AA Propodeum without a dorsally projecting cone or tooth.


BB Segment 3 of maxillary palp short, about as long as segment 4.