Pictorial key to the ant genera of Illinois

by N.C. Wilkins and S.B. Menke

Fig. 44 Linepithema humile (antweb.org)

Fig. 45 Linepithema humile (antweb.org)

Fig. 46 Tapinoma sessile (antweb.org)

Fig. 47 Tapinoma melanocephalum (antweb.org)

A Petiolar scale well developed.


B First two antennal segments beyond scape equal in length.


C In side view, propodeum rounded with dorsal and posterior face approximately equal in length.


AA Petiole flattened, without a conspicuous, dorsally protruding scale (petiole often concealed by succeeding abdominal segment).


BB First antennal segment beyond scape about twice as long as second.


CC In side view, dorsal face of propodeum much shorter than posterior face.

