Pictorial key to the ant genera of Illinois

by N.C. Wilkins and S.B. Menke

Fig. 13 Camponotus mississippiensis (antweb.org)

Fig. 14 Camponotus noveboracensis (antweb.org)

Fig. 15 Camponotus pennsylvanicus (antweb.org)

Fig. 16 Tapinoma sessile (antweb.org)

Fig. 17 Lasius interjectus (alexanderwild.com)

Fig. 18 Formica neogagates (antweb.org)

A Antennal sockets located well behind the posterior clypeal margin.


B Acidopore lacking fringe of erect hairs.


C Mesosomal profile often continuous and convex.


D Metanotal suture rarely impressed.


AA Antennal sockets situated at or adjacent to posterior clypeal margin.


BB Acidopore with circular fringe of erect hairs.


CC Propodeum depressed below level of promesonotum.


DD Metanotal suture always impressed, forming a transverse groove across mesosmal dorsum.