Math 329: Number Theory

Spring 2018


Lecture Notes. I include some notes on some things we've covered and some things we'll soon cover.

Self-Explaining Booklet, is a short file with tips that can help you read proofs better.

The homework assignments can be found below:
Homework Assignments


There will be no textbook.

However, the book Elementary Theory of Numbers by LeVeque will be in reserve in the library as an extra source (besides the lecture notes).

Class Content

The goal of the class is to give an introduction to the theory of numbers. A tentative list of topics is below:
  1. Divisibility and the Euclidean Algorithm
  2. Congrences
  3. Diophantine equations
  4. Quadratic Reciprocity
  5. Arithmetic functions
List of other possible topics that can be covered depending on the pace of the class:

Student Learning Outcomes


There will be ten homework assignments. Each homework assignment will include 5 "easy" problems, 4 "medium" problem and one "hard" problem. The easy problems will usually test computational aspects of the theory, the medium ones will test whether the student can do proofs, the hard ones will test whether the student can go beyond what was covered. The easy problems are worth 1 point, the medium ones 2 points and the hard one 3 points.

The student will submit up to 5 problems for each assignment. The student will get quick feedback on the assignment from the instructor and then the student can revise up to two problems to submit together with the next homework assignment. The revisions for the final homework assignment can be turned in at the scheduled time for the final exam, which is Saturday May 5 between 1:30pm and 4:30pm.

When working on a homework assignment, students cannot work with each other, cannot search up answers on the internet (outside this website) and cannot ask for help from sources other than the instructor. The only available resources are the instructor, lecture notes, anything posted on this website, and the book "Elementary Theory of Numbers" by LeVeque.


The course grade will be based entirely on the points the student receives from the homework assignments. Here's a tentative breakdown of the points needed for a particular grade:

Special Office Hours

Besides the office hours listed in the course description, I will reserve two hours a week (Tuesdays from 9:45am to 11:45am) for the purpose of helping students with homework assignments. I expect you to use these office hours often, since success in the class is highly dependent on working hard on the homework assignments.

Videos and Questionnaire

The week of April 9 to 13, I will be attending the European Girls Mathematical Olympiad. There will be no class sessions. As a substitution, I will assign you to watch several videos related to Number Theory. As part of the week, you will have to answer a questionnaire that will have questions related to the videos you will watch.

Videos to watch: Questionnaire.
Class Participation

I expect you to come to every class, pay attention, and to ask questions when you have questions. Some classes will have in-class activities, when these occur, you should be working on the task at hand. I expect you to refrain from using smartphones in class.

Academic Honesty Policy

The student is expected to be honest with their work. I will penalize any student that uses unapproved resources for the homework assignments. I encourage students to be familiar with the college's Academic Honesty Policy to see the possible sanctions for academic dishonesty.

Accommodations Statement

If you believe that you need accommodations for a disability, please consult with The Learning and Teaching Center. Since accommodations may require early planning and are not retroactive, please contact the center as soon as possible. For details about the services for students with disabilities and the accomodations process, visit

You are also welcome to contact me privately to discuss your academic needs. However, all disability-related accommodations must be arranged through Teryn Robinson at the Learning and Teaching Center.

Last modified on April 7, 2018.