Athena Anderson
- East Middle School, 7, Social Studies
- Major: Elementary Education; Certified in Elementary English; <5 hours
American History
- Hispanic / Native American
- 1st year teaching Social Studies - handed textbook with no curriculum guidelines
- Goal: better strategies to deal with concern for low ability
readers and writers in class

McRAH Summer '02 Institute Picnic at Lake Forest Beach. Left to right: Athena Anderson, Dave Haas, Brent Sadewater, and Abeer Shinnawi. |
Lee Anderson
- Ninth Grade Center, 9, World History
- Major: Elementary Education; Certified in Communications, Social Studies; >16 hours of American History
- Adjunct at College of Lake County 13 years, looking forward to working with adults
- Goal: develop new strategies aligned with Illinois Standards
John Franco
- Waukegan High School, 11, U.S. History
- Major: History; Certified in Secondary History, SS; >16 hours American History
- Taught at college level, 5 years at high school
- A fan of Gary Nash, History on Trial, "culture wars"
- Uses multidisciplinary perspective, social sciences
- Goal: present at a National Conference of Historians
Dave Haas
- Waukegan High School, 10-12 (College Studies Program), Social Studies
- Major: History; Certified in Secondary History, Social Studies; 9-16 hours American History
- Military and industrial experience
- Sees U.S. history as the foundational Social Studies course
- Objective of history is to produce well-rounded and clear-thinking citizens, not historians
- The problem is students do not recall or understand significance and implications of events studies
- Need: strategies for helping LEEP students improve language and learning skills; mind-mapping and pedagogic "tricks" to help kids learn how to learn
- Professors need to understand Waukegan cultural norms
- Goal: wants to make subject matter useful and serve as a source of valid generalizations, rather than a collection of arcane, trivial factoids; review pedagogy
Del Lowrance
- Benny Middle School, 6, Social Studies
- Major: Elementary education; Certified in Elementary Education; 5-8 hours in American History
- Role is to serve as a site-based American History liaison for other teachers
Abeer Shinnawi
- Abbott Middle School, 7, U.S. History
- Major: History, Education; Certified in history; >16 hours American History
- Arab-American
- Sees major problem in classroom as apathy toward subject
- Need to make a connection between the past and present and individual's future
- Uses outside reading to enhance classroom instruction
- Need: connect the past to present with materials beyond the text; stronger foundation in history
- Goal: more strategies for hands-on learning and make use of varied resources such as the Chicago Historical Society
Linda Sims
- Waukegan High School, 10-12, U.S. history, World history
- Major: Spanish Education; Certified in bilingual, ESL; <5 hours
American History
- African American
- Does not own computer
- Need: content background more knowledge of history
- Goal: become more proficient instructor in the social studies field, solidifying and expanding knowledge of history
Joe Trimble
- Ninth Grade Center, 9, World History
- Major: History, Education; Certified in History; 9-16 hours in American History
- Retired from Army career, new to teaching
- Tries to balance topics in curriculum with how they interact through the world's economics and policies in more than what the headlines show
- Goal: gain additional exposure and ideas to help better him prepare, present and evaluate his teaching ability to his students
Jeff Tylkowski
- Abbott Middle School, 7, Social Studies
- Major: Physical Education and health; Certified P.E., Social
Studies; 5-8 hours in American History
- Previous P.E. and health teacher, 6 years
- Loves history, geography and current events
- Students dislike social studies, compared to health
- Sees problem in talking and explaining too much in terms of classroom instruction, makes history boring
- Goal: wants to increase students' interest in social studies