"I have been affected dramatically by McRAH. It has helped me recapture the spirit with which I began teaching."
— Brian Jacks, Waukegan High School

Mary Carolyn Blanda - Short Essays

I am the right person to be teaching U.S. History...
Because, I love history, simple fact. I believe that if a teacher loves a subject he/she will do their best to pass that love on to their students. I am enthusiastic about history, therefore this creates an interest for my students.
History is about His Story and we live it each day. It's fascinating to teach interesting facts that have happened in our country and world. I believe that I am just the person to present History to young minds. I want them to enjoy history as much as I do.
Only by learning about the past can one understand the present. By learning about our nation's past you can understand what it means to be an American today.

Teaching U.S. History in Waukegan
I had a student that constantly missed class. I asked her why she didn't come to class - her reply "I hate school." Now you guessed it, I made this situation my challenge. So... I would see her in the hall and stop her and ask, "Why are you missing class?" No reply, just walked off, with head low. I changed my strategy, I would go up to her and mention that really missed her in class and just walk away. I continued this but the next time I saw her, I said, "I miss you would you please come and try class."
One day she showed up in the class, I didn't say anything, just continued with the lesson. After class I mentioned to her that I was pleased and happy to see her coming to class. She continued to come. She brought an F up to a C. I asked her why the change. Her reply... Because you cared whether I came to class or not. I just put my arms around her and gave her a big hug. No words were necessary.

Another Success:
To have everyone in class recite the Preamble to the United States Constitution by themselves. Even the students that were extremely slow.

With the help of McRAH I now feel prepared to address the following challenge in my teaching
I feel that I am able to achieve my goals and goals in helping students learn History. I have learned for the professors to make my assignment interesting and to the point, not to drag out my thinking. Not to go overboard with facts. This was a point made many times during their lectures.
These professors are willing and able to help me with any problem that comes my way. They will be visiting my classroom to help in my new journey with McRAH. This will be a three-year experience that I will enjoy and appreciate.

Historical Memory is the Key
With the wonderful program provided by McRAH and the Professors I feel ready to spend a wonderful, exciting, challenging year with my students. I have gained so much knowledge in a new way to approach teaching History.
I believe that if one doesn't care about students and the subject matter assigned they don't belong in this field. Try something else. You are hurting these students who want to learn.
Teachers should attend workshops and classes to broaden their subject matter. To shall we say "Get rid of the cobwebs."

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A partnership:
Waukegan Public Schools
Lake Forest College
The Chicago Historical Society

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