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Selected Publications
Creating Chicago's North Shore: A Suburban History, University of Chicago Press, 1988.
"The Passaic Textile Strike of 1912 and The Two I.W.W.'s." Labor History 11:4 (Fall 1970), 452-266. [Reprinted in a 25th Anniversary Collection of articles from Labor History in Labor History Reader, Daniel Leab, (Ed.) University of Illinois Press, 1985.]
(with Eugene M. Tobin) The Age of Urban Reform: New Perspectives on the Progressive Era (Interdisciplinary Urban Studies Series), Kennikat Press, 1977.
"Strikes & Society: Civil Behavior in Passaic, 1875-1926," New Jersey History 97:1 (May 1979), 7-24.
"Urban History: Retrospect and Prospect," Journal of American History 68:1 (June 1981), 69-84.
"Re-reading Suburban America: Urban Population Deconcentration, 1810-1980," American Quarterly 37:3 (Bibliography 1985), 366-81. [Reprinted in Howard Gillette, Jr. & Zane Miller, (eds.), American Urbanism: A Historiographical Review (Greenwood Press, 1987).
(with Kathleen Neils Conzen), "Modern Urban History in the United States," in Christian Englei & Horst Matzerath, (Eds.) Modern Urban History in Europe, USA and Japan: A Handbook. Stuttgart: German Institut fur Urbanistik, 1989, 197-218. [The English translation published by Berg Publishers Ltd. and distributed in US and Canada by St. Martin' Press.]
"Technoburb," Inland Architect, 37:1 (January-February 1993), 54-59.
"Experiencing Megalopolis in Princeton," Journal of Urban History, 19:2 (February 1993), 11-55. [Reprinted in Princeton History, #12 (1994), 19-43.
"Suburbanization," in Neil Larry Shumsky (Ed.), American Cities and Suburbs: An Encyclopedia, 2 vols. (Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio Publishers, 1998), 2:1117-1121.
(with Brooke Ebner) "Harold Moser's Naperville," Illinois History Teacher, 7:1 (1999), 37-47. http://www.lib.niu.edu/ipo/1999/iht719939.html
"Bringing Democracy to Television" OAH Newsletter, 27 (August 1999), 1+ http://www.indiana.edu/~oah/nl/99aug/lamb.html [interview with C-SPAN's Brian Lamb].
"Connections: Rethinking our Audience," [preview of the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, April 26-29, 2001], OAH Newsletter, 28:4 (November, 2000), 1+. http://www.oah.org/pubs/nl/2000nov/ebner.html
(with Rachel G. Ragland and Dawn Abt-Perkins) "Teaching American History: A Report from Lake County, IL," OAH Newsletter, 31:1 (February, 2003), 5-6. http://www.oah.org/pubs/nl/2003feb/tah.html?emtm0203d
"Nurturing Romance Between Now and Then," Common-Place, The Interactive Journal of Early American Life, 3:4 (July, 2003) http://www.common-place.org/vol-03/no-04/school/
"Submitting a Proposal for a Teaching American History Grant," Perspectives, Newsmagazine of the American Historical Association, 41:8 (November, 2003), 28-34. http://www.historians.org/perspectives/issues/2003/0311/0311not1.cfm

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Site Created By Rebecca Roberts '06, July 2003 Last Updated July 27, 2006 by Kalani Man '09 Contributors: Rebecca Miller, Amanda MacKinnon '03, Aayush Sakya '06, and Kalani Man '09.